About Pink amethyst

About Pink amethyst

In this post, we reveal everything you need to know about pink amethyst, including its meaning, properties, and how it differs from rose quartz. Let's get started!


Amethyst, but pink? It can’t be! Only it can, and it’s getting a lot more common than you might think. Given our newfound love for this particular stone, we’ve got everything you need to know right here, right now. 

In this article we discuss the following:

  • What is Pink Amethyst?
    • Is Pink Amethyst Real?
    • Pink Amethyst vs Amethyst
    • Where is Pink Amethyst Found?
  • Pink Amethyst Meaning
  • Pink Amethyst Properties
    • Pink Amethyst Benefits
    • Pink Amethyst Healing Properties
    • Pink Amethyst Metaphysical Properties
    • Pink Amethyst Chakra
  • Pink Amethyst vs Rose Quartz
  • How to Cleanse Pink Amethyst
  • Pink Amethyst Geode
  • Pink Amethyst Price
  • Pink Amethyst Jewelry
    • Pink Amethyst Ring
    • Pink Amethyst Earrings
    • Pink Amethyst Necklace
    • Pink Amethyst Bracelet
  • Pink Amethyst Raw

What is Pink Amethyst?

Pink amethyst hasn’t always been part of the crystal game. It’s a new stone that was only discovered very recently, in a deposit in Patagonia, Argentina. Amethyst becomes pink as a result of inclusions of Hematite within the crystalline structure. 

Scientists have spent a lot of time examining pink amethyst stone, and were able to conclude early on that this crystal is undoubtedly closer to amethyst than any other major mineral, including rose quartz. 

Is Pink Amethyst Real? 

Pink amethyst is as real as the deposit in which it was found. If you can get your hands on a genuine piece of the stone, you’re in the presence of a natural, Earth-made wonder. 

However, because pink amethyst only comes from one, very isolated place in South America, sourcing authentic stones isn’t always a walk in the park. Crystal fraud is a global issue, with certain producers having mastered the art of making counterfeit stones using glass and dye. 

Unfortunately, because pink amethyst has such a basic crystalline structure, it is incredibly easy to replicate and there are an abundance of fake stones being sold worldwide. 

It can be very hard to tell a real piece of pink amethyst from a fake one, especially to a beginner in the industry. 

Pink Amethyst vs Amethyst 

As we know, pink amethyst occurs when Hematite enters into the crystalline formation of the stone, whilst still under the Earth. This gives pink amethyst its distinguished color relative to regular amethyst, which is typically a vibrant purple. 

Many see pink amethyst as the softer and more feminine version of regular amethyst. Despite being softer, pink amethyst is no less powerful, and it can definitely be an advantage to have both of these stones in your collection. 

hand holding raw pink amethyst crystal with other rocks as background

The major difference between pink amethyst and regular amethyst is that purple amethyst is highly concerned with the psychic realms, while its pink counterpart would rather you view the regular world from a higher perspective. In that sense, it’s a more moderate version of the stone; one that has a certain level of grounding to keep things at an Earth-focused level. 

Where is Pink Amethyst Found? 

As mentioned, pink amethyst was discovered not long ago in Patagonia, Argentina. Here, there is a mine known as El chiquada, and it is one of the most used sites in the region. Within it, pink amethyst has been forming for some thousands of years, just waiting for keen eyes to spot it. 

Because pink amethyst is reliant on this individual site, it is considered to be a very rare crystal. If you’re looking to purchase, your best bet of finding pink amethyst is online or via specialized mineral dealers. 

It’s highly unlikely you’ll find pink amethyst at a market stall, or even in your local esoteric shop. 

When buying, always double check the integrity of the seller, and opt for customer reviews or references when possible. Be on the lookout for counterfeit stones, especially those with prices that are simply too good to be true. 

Pink Amethyst Meaning

Throughout history, amethyst as a stone has come to mean an array of different things. It has been used in prized crowns for many a monarch, and even came to signify a symbol of sobriety when wine goblets started being carved out of the crystal. 

Pink amethyst’s stone meaning is yet to be determined in the world. It has not yet had a longstanding history within society, so unique, endearing meanings are still very much subjective. 

one piece of raw pink crystal amethyst on a white background top view

That being said, the fact that this stone appeared somewhat out of thin air is testament to what it means for those who are lucky enough to live during its early years. This stone is a reminder that perhaps the best is yet to come in life, and that we need not live under the false impression that we know everything already. 

Pink Amethyst Properties

The feminine essence of this crystal remains consistent throughout all of its metaphysical properties. Pink amethyst is a balancer, healer, womb-warmer and comforter — through and through. 

Almost all of the properties of this stone seek to fill the heart with love at all times, which is not a common attribute for any form of amethyst. This gentle love energy is deeply connected to the spirits, but in a healing way as opposed to a psychic way. Regular purple amethyst is more concerned with the psychic. 

You’re likely to find your intuition is increased when working with pink amethyst. This may offer you comfort during any form of sadness or grief, as you’ll have a heightened sense of truth no matter what adversity you are facing. 

Pink amethyst is also a potent emotional balancer. During overwhelming interactions, you’ll be enabled to stay calm and collected, often neutralizing the energetic charge of the situation at hand. 

Pink Amethyst Benefits 

The biggest benefit to pink amethyst is that it is, quite literally, a frequency that the human body, mind and spirit has not yet encountered in the world. How could it have, if pink amethyst was only introduced to the world in 2019?

What this means is that pink amethyst brings the benefit of a fresh perspective. Your personal frequency will reap the rewards of this stone without much effort on your part. This makes pink amethyst a fabulous crystal to wear as jewelry, as it gives your energy much opportunity to interact with the stone throughout the day. 

Pink Amethyst Healing Properties 

There are also healing properties of pink amethyst, and the most important one is one that we have touched on already. Pink amethyst is a neutralizer of anxiety; even those who suffer from debilitating, chronic angst have seen improvement after long term use of this new crystal. 

Pink amethyst is a stress reliever. If you, or someone you know, suffers from unwavering stress, there could be relief in keeping this stone close by. Similarly, pink amethyst may be able to treat physical ailments associated with intense stress, such as gut disorder, high blood pressure, and an over-sensitive nervous system. 

Pink amethyst may reduce headaches when worn religiously. In the same regard, it may also induce lucid dreaming, as it is working so closely with the brain and mind. Keep it under your pillow if such an experience sounds like something you might like to enjoy!

Pink Amethyst Chakra 

What’s really incredible about pink amethyst is that it is able to stimulate three chakras simultaneously. This is not common, as most stones generally only work closely with one chakra. The chosen chakra is usually within the same ray energy as the stone. For example, green crystals work with the green chakra, also known as the heart chakra, while blue stones work with the blue energy center, known as the throat chakra. 

Pink amethyst works with the heart chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra. It is particularly instrumental in opening up the heart after it has been deeply wounded, either through grief or trauma. 

If there is a particular chakra you feel you need help with, it can be a good idea to lay flat on your back and place the stone directly onto the area in question. If you don’t have the time for this kind of daily work, opt to wear your amethyst as jewelry instead. 

Pink Amethyst vs Rose Quartz

Despite looking uncannily alike, pink amethyst and rose quartz are very different crystals. Rose quartz gets its color from manganese, titanium and iron entering into the structure during formation. Pink amethyst gets it from Hematite. 

Differences aside, both of these stones are heart-workers and just want this energy center to be open and flourishing. Our hearts tend to hold a lot of pain, especially pain we don’t even realize we are harboring, so working with either of these stones can be beneficial in this regard. 

The difference is that pink amethyst is concerned with opening the heart and restoring its most basic functions, so that you can start to enjoy life from this newfound perspective. Rose quartz, on the other hand, is more of a heart-space amplifier, working to attract and enhance the essence of love as it is perceived by the heart itself. 

These two crystals are like two sides of the same coin. There is great individual benefit in working with them on their own, but perhaps enjoying them simultaneously could mean the end of all your heart-space blues. 

How to Cleanse Pink Amethyst

Unlike its purple counterpart, pink amethyst is not a self cleansing stone. If you intend to do deep energetic work with this crystal over a long period of time, you’re going to need to keep it cleansed and recharged whenever it’s not in use. 

Crystals get contaminated by energies over time. This can work against the abilities of the stones to project their properties in a healthy way, which could lead to your own energy being compromised. 

You can use any of the following methods to cleanse and recharge your pink amethyst at least once a month:

hand holding raw pink amethyst crystal on a wooden background

  • Bury pink amethyst in the garden, leaving it for up to 48 hours. 
  • Hold pink amethyst under running water for a solid minute, and use a towel to dry it off. 
  • Leave your stone under the light of the full moon every month, retrieving it only the following morning. 
  • Create a saturated saltwater solution, and submerge your crystal within it. Leave it there for up to 24 hours. 
  • Pray or meditate over your stones, setting the intention for cleansing as you do. 
  • Place pink amethyst on a bed of Himalayan salt, and let it charge here for at least 48 hours. 
  • Burn sage or sandalwood over your pink amethyst crystals, sending the intention for cleansing from your mind’s eye. 

Pink Amethyst Geode

Like rose quartz and regular amethyst, pink amethyst rock occurs inside of what are known as geodes. Geodes are essentially hollow rock cavities, and within them the perfect conditions for crystal formation are able to occur. 

Geodes can occur in a range of sizes, some as big as cars, while others can be as small as golf balls. Owning a pink amethyst geode wasn’t easy when this crystal was first discovered, as its rarity was not yet known, so miners were hesitant to hand over entire geodes for the purpose of retail. 

Now, things are cooling down, and getting your hands on a pink amethyst geode to keep in your home is as easy as finding the right seller on the Internet. If you’re traveling to Patagonia anytime soon, you may get lucky and find large sized geodes for sale in the marketplace in some villages. 

Pink Amethyst Price

Because there is only one location in the world that has pink amethyst for sale, you’re relying on complex logistical processes to get it to where you are, and this drives up the price. 

On average, you can expect to pay about $25 or more for a relatively tiny piece of polished pink amethyst. As the stones get bigger, the price tends to soar up and up. 

For a small-sized amethyst geode, you’re looking at splurging a couple of hundred dollars or more. There are soccer-ball sized geodes, in some parts of the world, that sell for over $1000. 

three raw pink amethyst crystals placed on smooth black stones

Keep in mind that all of these stones are being shipped from South America, and logistically this isn’t always the easiest task. The prices are relative to the weight and value of these stones, and while they may be a bit of a splurge for some individuals, they can pay off in the long run as you start to enjoy the benefits of the stones. 

Pink Amethyst Jewelry

Pink Amethyst Ring 

We have to say, pink amethyst jewelry is not always easy to find. Your best bet are pink amethyst rings, as these require stones that are small enough to get around the globe with ease.

A pink amethyst ring is wonderful, as it offers gentle exposure to the properties of the stone throughout your day. Even just catching a glimpse of the amethyst on your finger is a form of connection, and paves way for intensified work to take place. 

A rose amethyst ring should be worn consecutively, if possible. 

Pink Amethyst Earrings 

Since pink amethyst is so closely concerned with the crown and third eye charkas, wearing it in earring-form is a fabulous way of stimulating these energetic hubs simultaneously.

Earrings sit on either side of the head, offering a balanced proximity to the chakras in question. More than this, pink amethyst is a natural balancer, so this just aids the stones in something that they do naturally. 

Pink amethyst earrings may set you back a pretty penny, but you can expect to feel a difference in brain and mind function after just a few hours of wear. 

Pink Amethyst Necklace 

A pink amethyst necklace can double as a pendulum, so this is a worthwhile investment for anyone who enjoys using their crystal jewelry both on and off of the body. 

Pink amethyst worn around the neck puts it in close proximity to the heart chakra, another energetic zone to which this stone is closely connected. If heart healing is something you are seeking from pink amethyst, then a necklace is highly recommended. 

Pink Amethyst Bracelet 

If physical healing is your real intention when working with this crystal, we recommend wearing it on the wrist instead. The wrist is the fastest route into the human bloodstream without breaking skin, so placing crystals in this area is an effective way of delivering their properties throughout the inside of the body. 

Pink amethyst is known for its ability to help the symptoms of stress that plague the body. Blood pressure, headaches, and even gut disorder can all be brought back into balance by targeted use of this stone. 

Keep your pink amethyst on your wrist day in and day out if you want long lasting, effective relief from these ailments. 

Pink Amethyst Raw

Pink amethyst is not often sold in its raw form. Pink amethyst slabs are incredibly heavy, difficult to ship and expensive, so it’s more likely that this stone is sold in tumbled or polished versions to allow for more convenient transportation. 

hand propping up a large piece of raw amethyst on a grassy field

There is something incredibly beautiful about raw pink amethyst. The slabs tend to look a bit like Swiss cheese, with natural gaping holes throughout the center. If you find one small enough, it can be hung as a necklace just as one would a piece of agate. 

Raw slabs of crystal can also creatively be used as coasters, though doing this with pink amethyst would probably result in the most expensive coaster collection in history. 

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